Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire Illustrated eBook James Headlam

Bismarck was a brilliant statesman who laid the foundations for the German Empire and wielded a clever, oftentimes cunning, foreign relations policy. His stunning achievements in playing rival nations against each other pushed the German Empire into primacy in the late 19th century.
Contents include
Birth and Parentage
Early Life
The Revolution
The German Problem
St. Petersburg and Paris
The Conflict
The Treaty of Gastein
Outbreak of War with Austria
The Conquest of Germany
The North German Confederation
Outbreak of War with France
Foundation of the Empire
The New Empire
The Triple Alliance and Reform
Retirement and Death
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire Illustrated eBook James Headlam
This is certainly one of the best and most unbiased biographies of the great Otto von Bismarck.The book not only deals clearly with the important periods of Bismarck's life and career, but gives the reader an excellent understanding of the tidal movements that brought both Prussia and Germany into being.
It helps the rational reader understand why Germany had to be sabotaged by countries like Austria and France, and why the growth of Germany posed a major threat to many corrupt lands and nations, including Britain and Russia.
The fall of Germany after the Second World War changed Europe and the world forever, and for the worse. Recent events prove this without shadow of doubt. Bismarck already foresaw the fall of Europe to extremists. And he did something about it. His techniques have never been repeated, but many have been toned-down then cut and pasted by other corrupt Left-Wing states, to make their unsustainable governments work.
I recommend this book and also "Prussia: A Short History," by John Loftus. This book also goes into the subversion of Germany by its "allies." It particularly shows the role of Austria and Hungary in the takedown. These decadent, corrupt countries were a constant albatross around the neck of Prussia and Germany, until they dragged the whole of Europe into world war.
In short, since the early 20th century the media has portrayed Germany as the ogre of the world, as a goosestepping tyrannical country out for world domination. This is of course one of the greatest myths that has ever been purveyed. It is believed by almost everyone, and especially by Germans, if they still deserve that eminent title. They are the first victim of the mass propaganda that has painted their ancestors as imperious, bloodlusting demagogues. Strange and sad that the world falls for this patent nonsense, since until the aftermath of WW1 Germans did not possess a sense of national identity. Germans were probably the LAST people to inculcate patriotism of the kind they are allegedly infamous for. So much for propaganda and lies. In regards Germany it is an industry, one that needs to be countered with facts.
I also recommend Pat Buchanan's excellent work: "Churchill, Hitler and the Unncessary War," and "A Mad Catastrophe," by Geoffrey Wawro, which reveals the ugly side of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which constantly hampered Germany in its relatively benign designs for expansion and progress.
for more info, see my site
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Tags : Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire (Illustrated) - Kindle edition by James Headlam. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire (Illustrated).,ebook,James Headlam,Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire (Illustrated),Didactic Press,HISTORY Europe Germany,HISTORY Europe General
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Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire Illustrated eBook James Headlam Reviews
Into the unification process of Germany, especially from a viewpoint close to many of the events both before and after. Worth the read.
A great read about a great man. Probably the most successful master of diplomacy, unmatched by anyone except Maybe Metternich. The book portrays the intellectual energy, patriotism, and loyalty to the Prussian crown. His courage being unequaled among his fellow statesmen.
Very informative and I learned quite a bit about the formation of the modern German state. Was a good read.
Please note that the author, James Wycliffe Headlam , was a British scholar and public servant who contributed to the Versailles Treaty. He died in 1929, and this book was written in 1899. It is a classic, but does not benefit from modern access to additional documents, nor the perspective of a post war world. (If that's an advantage). Just so you know what you are getting.
This book is chock full of details however most of the details are repetitive and boring. If you want to know how long it took Bismark to 'walk to work' then this is the book for you. I would skip log sections of elongated narrative and then get the same kind of stuff in the next chapter. etc.
Bismarck is a truly important figure in the development of European history and German unification, but making his life a majorly exciting read is a task beyond compare. Headiam has given the character as clear development as possible, but the book (unless driven to European or German history) can easily be put aside indefinitely.
Headlam has a knack for developing the backstory, so to speak, of Bismarck's rise. Of course, it was during his political ascent and later position of leadership that Germany went from being a collection of feuding states to a mighty empire. Interesting here is the emphasis on characters such as Napoleon III (a cannier politician and not the dummy depicted by quite a few biographies), at the expense of the Hohenzollern family.
I would have liked to have seen more "color" about the chancellor (the book is somewhat flat in this regard), and the implications for later years (the era of Kaiser Wilhelm only happened because Bismarck was too respectful of royalty and their "right" to rule). Still, this is an insightful look at the peak years of the Prussian Empire, and worth a read.
This is certainly one of the best and most unbiased biographies of the great Otto von Bismarck.
The book not only deals clearly with the important periods of Bismarck's life and career, but gives the reader an excellent understanding of the tidal movements that brought both Prussia and Germany into being.
It helps the rational reader understand why Germany had to be sabotaged by countries like Austria and France, and why the growth of Germany posed a major threat to many corrupt lands and nations, including Britain and Russia.
The fall of Germany after the Second World War changed Europe and the world forever, and for the worse. Recent events prove this without shadow of doubt. Bismarck already foresaw the fall of Europe to extremists. And he did something about it. His techniques have never been repeated, but many have been toned-down then cut and pasted by other corrupt Left-Wing states, to make their unsustainable governments work.
I recommend this book and also "Prussia A Short History," by John Loftus. This book also goes into the subversion of Germany by its "allies." It particularly shows the role of Austria and Hungary in the takedown. These decadent, corrupt countries were a constant albatross around the neck of Prussia and Germany, until they dragged the whole of Europe into world war.
In short, since the early 20th century the media has portrayed Germany as the ogre of the world, as a goosestepping tyrannical country out for world domination. This is of course one of the greatest myths that has ever been purveyed. It is believed by almost everyone, and especially by Germans, if they still deserve that eminent title. They are the first victim of the mass propaganda that has painted their ancestors as imperious, bloodlusting demagogues. Strange and sad that the world falls for this patent nonsense, since until the aftermath of WW1 Germans did not possess a sense of national identity. Germans were probably the LAST people to inculcate patriotism of the kind they are allegedly infamous for. So much for propaganda and lies. In regards Germany it is an industry, one that needs to be countered with facts.
I also recommend Pat Buchanan's excellent work "Churchill, Hitler and the Unncessary War," and "A Mad Catastrophe," by Geoffrey Wawro, which reveals the ugly side of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which constantly hampered Germany in its relatively benign designs for expansion and progress.
for more info, see my site

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