Flight Book 1 of the Crescent Chronicles Alyssa Rose Ivy 9781478292845 Books

Flight Book 1 of the Crescent Chronicles Alyssa Rose Ivy 9781478292845 Books
WOW! I loved this book - the storyline between Levi and Allie is awesome, and the relationships between Allie and Hailey AND Allie and Jared make this a well rounded, easy to love book. I plowed through the entire series in a few days. I loved the plot twists and didn't expect most of them! I'll reread these for sure.
Tags : Flight: Book 1 of the Crescent Chronicles [Alyssa Rose Ivy] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sometimes you just have to take flight. A summer in New Orleans is exactly what Allie needs before starting college. Accepting her dad’s invitation to work at his hotel offers an escape from her ex-boyfriend and the chance to spend the summer with her best friend. Meeting a guy is the last thing on her mind—until she sees Levi. Unable to resist the infuriating yet alluring Levi,Alyssa Rose Ivy,Flight: Book 1 of the Crescent Chronicles,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1478292849,Romance - Paranormal,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Paranormal General,Romance,Romance - Paranormal - General,FICTION Romance Paranormal
Flight Book 1 of the Crescent Chronicles Alyssa Rose Ivy 9781478292845 Books Reviews
Author acts its okay for a guy to trick and trap a girl into permanent life changes like a bullying child. And the girl has to deal with the consequences like an adult and give him what he wants. Infuriating! I don't know how a self-respecting woman could write something like this.
Review Highlights
Genre Paranormal Romance, New Adult
Age The first book could pass for 15+ but the content matures significantly between book two and book three, so if you want the over all maturity level I would say 17+.
Recommendation Yes, this was an interesting view of paranormal love. Not the usual vampires, angels, demons or werewolves.
Type Series, it includes Flight, Focus and Found. The fourth book is First and Forever, a male POV for Flight and it also includes a little something new at the end. I didn't read the fourth book, the first three hit the spot.
Summary +Interesting type of paranormal +interesting plot - mildly annoying heroine + hot love story + lots of action -short books +first one is free )
Full Review
First, I should mention I started off like I always do and was immediately interested in the cover before I even read the blurb. Busted! I really get on my own nerves sometimes. Not to mention I have about fifteen books I have dedicated to review but I just couldn't stop myself from trying this one out. Although my bank account is a little lighter, it was worth it in the end.
Flight is the story of a girl who always has her ducks in a row. She always has everything planned out and never colors outside the lines if she can help it. After breaking up with her boring boyfriend and before starting college in the fall, Allie decides to take her estranged father up on his offer and begin to work at a hotel he just purchased for the summer. Along with her best friend, Allie begins to experience adulthood in New Orleans, of all places.
Allie is well developed but she gets on my nerves. I liked her character but I really just wanted to her to make up her dang mind. She was back and forth about several things for most of the books and even though I was rooting for her, I had to urge to smack her upside the head. I love the relationship between her and Levi, minus her fickle nature. Levi is..well frustrating and intriguing at the same time. Just what I like to see in my book boyfriends. The plot is interesting, the reveal about who and what Levi is, is completely original but the moment itself fell flat. I wish it had been built up a bit more. The author did a decent job of world building but there is still a lot about the hierarchy of beings that wasn't really explained well. People just came out of the woodwork randomly without much explanation. The books are pretty short, first one is a little over 260 pages and the books that follow stay around that length. I was entertained, and obviously I liked it enough to spend money on book two and three. That really is saying something because I am pretty cheap ( ha..but seriously though.)
I would recommend it to mature paranormal book lovers that don't mind a short read with a semi-annoying heroine. The sexual situations are not romance book focused, some are a little more graphic but not up to the level most adult novels are. There is definitely a NA/YA feel to this series.
Don't waste your time, just don't. Despite good and bad reviews I decided to give this book a shock since it was free. There is little character insight or development. You have no clue how the characters are really feeling. The paranormal aspect is almost an after thought. The main character, Allison, has like no redaction to anything. The guy just comes off as a complete jerk to put it nicely. I would say this writing would be of quality for a tween but the sexualized aspects make it for an older age group.
Allie has just graduated and is about to start college. When her father invites her to spend the Summer working at his hotel in New Orleans, she jumps at the chance, partly to have some fun before college, and partly to get away from her ex-boyfriend. Allie drags her best friend off to New Orleans, determined to keep boys out of the picture. Then she meets Levi…Can she resist his charm and is she strong enough to handle the secret world he is involved in?
I honestly struggled with this novel and there were many times I seriously considered giving up. The characters just seemed very two dimensional, and many of the scenes came across as contrived and under-developed. The story was slow to start too. I found it difficult to connect with Allie because she came across as disjointed - strong sometimes and insipidly weak at others. Levi was not a likable character either. He was arrogant and rude at best.
Yet the setting of the novel kept me reading. The author’s descriptions of New Orleans with it’s non-stop night-life were intriguing. Near the end of the novel, the plot picked up and there was a little more action, but here again, I felt that the character’s actions were just not believable.
So, while I was entertained, I sadly will not be continuing with this series.
I’ve read this book before but never reviewed it. I loved this series the first time I read it but its been a while and after rereading it I find myself not as attached to the characters I once was.
Allison was entitled and whiny with a rich absentee dad that I felt was tropey and a bit lazy for a storyline. I never got what Levi saw in her besides being physically attracted to her. They never really talked about anything with depth. It seemed to be all surface stuff. I think Levi liked that she didn’t fall for his charm right away, but that’s about it really.
Their chemistry was hit or miss as well, sometimes they were flirty. But she kept shutting him down and instead of him respecting her wishes he just kinda wore her down. She didn’t even mean it when she kept telling him no which I thought was a bit childish to play so hard to get. That kind of romance isn’t really my thing. I’m more a fan of meaning what you say.
But the way the author intertwined their romance with the paranormal part of the story was pretty good. I can’t really speak more on it without giving the story away. I’m not gonna read the rest of the series because I already read it and with not liking this story as much as the first time around I don’t care to.
WOW! I loved this book - the storyline between Levi and Allie is awesome, and the relationships between Allie and Hailey AND Allie and Jared make this a well rounded, easy to love book. I plowed through the entire series in a few days. I loved the plot twists and didn't expect most of them! I'll reread these for sure.

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