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⇒ Descargar Gratis All Lined Up A Rusk University Novel Cora Carmack 9780062326201 Books

All Lined Up A Rusk University Novel Cora Carmack 9780062326201 Books

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All Lined Up A Rusk University Novel Cora Carmack 9780062326201 Books

Dallas has always lived in the shadow of her father as the great football coach. It has always influenced her friendships and relationships. When Dallas goes away to college she is happy to get out from under her father - but her father ends up as the coach at her new school.

When Carson and Dallas meet, neither knows they have the coach in common.

Read All Lined Up A Rusk University Novel Cora Carmack 9780062326201 Books

Tags : All Lined Up: A Rusk University Novel [Cora Carmack] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <em>New York Times</em> and <em>USA Today</em> bestselling author Cora Carmack follows up her trio of hits—<em>Losing It,Cora Carmack,All Lined Up: A Rusk University Novel,William Morrow Paperbacks,0062326201,Romance - Contemporary,Romance - New Adult,Sports,College stories,Football players,Football players;Fiction.,Love stories,Texas,Texas;Fiction.,Young women,Young women;Fiction.,Adult & contemporary romance,American Light Romantic Fiction,Coming of Age,Contemporary Women,FICTION Coming of Age,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance New Adult,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Sports,FictionComing of Age,FictionRomance - New Adult,FictionSports,FictionWomen

All Lined Up A Rusk University Novel Cora Carmack 9780062326201 Books Reviews

Ok, I'll admit it. I have been putting off writing this review forever because I know no words can do this book justice. If it were up to me, I would just gush endlessly about how much I love-love-loved everything about this book and the story and the characters in lieu of a review. My review will probably be more of a ramble than anything resembling a coherent review, so stick with me while I go total fangirl on you. 

"In Texas, two things are cherished above all else – football and gossip. My life has always been ruled by both."

I was absolutely thrilled to learn that one of my favorite new adult authors was writing a series about football, Texas and love. Because, does it really get any better than that? I'm a total football addict. On Saturdays during football season, you can expect to find me camped out on the couch from noon until at least 10 PM watching game after game after game. I watch Sportscenter at the gym. I follow a TON of my alma mater's players (and former players) on Twitter. I watch the draft. Friday Night Lights will always be one of my all-time favorite shows. Yes, my name is Kim and I am a football addict. So, of course I was ecstatic to find out about this series, especially once I realized Cora's a coach's daughter and would bring that perspective to the book, making it even more real. 

“I don't know that dancing fixes anything. I don't feel magically happy because of it. My problems don't disappear when the music ends. But I understand life better when I dance, and understanding is half the fight of surviving.”

"You really want to have a conversation about what's not healthy?" She leans on the high-top table next to me and mimics, "Oh, Stella, he's so sweet and so nice. And I think I really like him. OH... JK HE PLAYS FOOTBALL. HE'S DEAD TO ME."

If you asked me what I loved most about All Lined Up, I wouldn't even begin to be able to narrow it to one thing. If I had to, however, I would say it was the characters. They feel more like friends than characters in a book. They were all just so realistic and multi-faceted and amazing. I would totally be friends with them in real life. The ladies of Rusk University are strong and sassy and among some of my favorite in NA lit. First off, you have Dallas, the dancer, reader, no-time-for-other-people's-bulls***, coach's daughter who hates football. I connected with Dallas. Hard. Minus that whole football-hating thing however, but even that made sense to me. I could understand her mixed feelings about football and the players. It would be expected. Her best friend Stella was all kinds of awesome. She's the life of the party, constantly trying to get Dallas to break out of her shell and loosen up. She reminded me so much of my best friend and roommate – except for the obvious differences like her being a tiny Asian pixie and him being a 6'3" gay man. Other than that, they could be the same person. 

"I'm kidding, little lioness. I'm not looking to hook up with you. I just find your honest refreshing. That makes you better company than every person I've run across tonight."

The guys of Rusk U are nothing to sneeze at either. Of course, Carson is my favorite. I fully suspect I'll change favorites at least twice as I read the rest of the series, but Carson will always have a place in my heart. The best part about him? He wasn't a stereotypical football player! Yay! Whether this is because he's second string or because he worked hard to get where he was, or just because he was a down home country boy who was raised right, I don't know. But he was unlike the other football player characters I've read in other books and I loved it. He was sweet (and hella sexy) and driven. He had goals and took nothing for granted. Ryan is probably my second favorite male in the story. The team manager who is smart, funny and cute. He's a charmer and he's right up my alley. Levi, the starting QB and Dallas's DB (douchebag not defensive back) ex, is someone who will have to work pretty hard to redeem himself in my eyes, but if he doesn't, I'm ok with that. The other bad boy of RU, Silas, has me all kinds of curious. I have a wee bit of a crush on him and I can't wait for his book. 

"And I... I'm still stuck. In my father's shadow. In Texas. In this lame state school with a joke of a dance program. And now I'm stuck at my first frat party with the ex who broke my heart. Yay college."

In All Lined Up, Dallas is away at college, trying to make a name for herself and find herself. It's not easy when you live in the shadow of a football coach father. While she would be beyond content to stay home and read or watch a movie, her friend Stella insists on dragging her out to a party. It's at that party she not only runs into her ex, but is hit on by a total player and ultimately winds up meeting Carson in an attempt to escape from the other two. They forge a quick connection without really knowing much about the other. Carson is trying to stay focused, which of course means staying away from girls, but something about Dallas makes him rethink that. Dallas learns he's a football player and has mixed feelings because she swore she'd never date another football player, but there's something special about him that makes her want to give him a chance. What happens between them? Well, you'll just have to read and find out.

"My voice is little more than a growl as I say, "You cannot do things like that, Daredevil, and expect me not to pull you onto my lap and kiss you senseless."

"I can't walk away from you because I don't want to. There are a thousand things I want and need to do, but you trump all of them. You drive me to distraction, and all I want to do is get lost in you. All I want to do is make you lose it, too."

I think it could go without saying that I absolutely loved Dallas and Carson together, but there, I said it anyhow. They made a fantastic pair. They had a TON of chemistry and it went beyond just the physical stuff. If you're looking for really steamy scenes, you won't find an abundance of them in this book. The ones that are there do have a fair bit of heat though. There was no doubt to me that what Dallas and Carson was real and worth fighting for, if both of them could get out of their heads long enough to give in and let it happen. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a book that's overly dramatic or riddled with angst. Thank goodness. I don't think my heart could have taken it. It still gave me a huge case of the feels though. 

"I loved the way one person could start a chant, and soon a stadium of thousands had picked it up and were screaming in unison. I loved that kids who didn't give a crap about school were suddenly belting the school song from the top of their lungs. I loved those tense moments before the start of a play when everyone is wishing and hoping exactly the same thing, and the whole stadium holds its breath."

The world-building in All Lined Up was fantastic. I felt like I was back at college, especially during the football game and party scenes. I was completely into the world of Rusk and nearly ready to trade my old gold and blue Mountaineers gear for maroon and gray. It didn't feel like I was reading about these characters and this fictional university. It felt like I was living it, or at the very least, watching it on a big screen. 

"God, do they make WD-40 for flirting? Because I am rusty."

All Lined Up has the humor and heart I've come to expect from Cora. There were quite a few lines that made me literally laugh out loud and even more that left me grinning. There are some phrases I have decided I need to incorporate into my daily life ("dear, sweet Jesus riding a unicorn" anyone?). I know this story is personal and special to Cora and her passion for it came through in every word. Make sure you read the "behind the book" portion after you've finished the story. I think it will give you an even deeper appreciation for how she put herself out there with this book and that glimpse into her background made the book that much more meaningful to me. 

"No easy days."

I seriously can't recommend this book highly enough. There's a little something for everyone in All Lined Up. With characters I adored, great friendships and sweet and sexy romance, all built around a sport I love in a fictional setting that felt beyond real, it was the total package for me. I will reread this one for years to come, particularly during my least favorite months of the year (you know, the off season) when I'm desperately looking for anything to hold me over until football is back. To say I can't wait for the next book in the series would be a HUGEmungous understatement. 

"Go Red. Fight Red. Bleed Red."

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review. Quotes come from the review copy and may differ from the final version.
** spoiler alert **

So it seems like I'm on a minority here. I've heard all the hype about this book which made me have a high expectation for it. I noticed from the start that the writing style was hard to get into. Through out the story I got bored. I found the explanation for things weren't necessary. I usually enjoy collage genre but this book wasn't it for me.

I didn't like Dallas. She seemed like she couldn't make up her mind. However, when she did, she did opposite from what she had decided. Like, she decided not to get involved with Carson more than friend, then she made out with him later. Then she decided not to do it again, but acted like she had a feeling for him. I couldn't keep track because she went hot and cold all the time. Stella was a typical best friend petite, sassy, and annoying.

The book wasn't bad but just didn't appeal enough to held my interest. I skimmed at some part. Carson was a nice guy but not drool-all-over-him type of guy.

In the end, all things went well, Dallas made progress with her dad. Carson got what he want. All the happy ending. Nothing impact enough to make me remember the book, though.
AA new series with a Friday Night Lights feel, who could resist that? I was super excited to start the Rusk University series by Cora Carmack and looked forward to finding a new set of characters and stories to get addicted to. There were a handful of times that I felt some giddiness and times that made me smile but unfortunately, some things about this book didn’t quite click together for me.

I wish that the heroine wasn’t so flakey, at some points I felt like she was a dog chasing her own tail. Everything just went in circles with no end in sight. I get where she was coming from, having been raised by a single dad whose life revolved around football, she lacked a mother figure and felt unsure of herself. Also having been burned by her “first love,” she develops a phobia to commitment. I understood it and many authors have created similar heroines, but it’s the way that Dallas reacts to these situations that just didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t feel a real conflict, it wasn’t infused with any basis. I had a really tough time looking past it and it just pretty much went downhill for me at that point and it was really a bummer because the male lead in this book, Carson was so strong and he deserved a kick butt leading lady. I loved everything about Carson. Loved how motivated he was, how patient he was with Dallas’ freak outs, and how protective he was of her. There was a perfect balance all throughout his character. Funny, athletic, and a definite eye candy.

Though there were bouts of sweetness and giddiness, the romance between the two characters didn’t enthrall me, it didn’t spring me to life. Again, all leading back to Dallas’ character—so many times just when I thought things would get started, Dallas would reign it back in, abruptly interrupting the flow of the scene. It left me feeling frustrated page after page wishing it would stop.

So while I had hoped to find a new series to get lost in, I just found myself lost in my own thoughts. I have heard fantastic things about Silas’ story, the 2nd book in this series and I am going to take the chance and give it a go because I honestly love Cora’s Losing It series and I am determined to find my Cora Carmack mojo back.
Dallas has always lived in the shadow of her father as the great football coach. It has always influenced her friendships and relationships. When Dallas goes away to college she is happy to get out from under her father - but her father ends up as the coach at her new school.

When Carson and Dallas meet, neither knows they have the coach in common.
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