HIDDEN Marchwood Vampire Series Book 1 eBook Shalini Boland

HIDDEN Marchwood Vampire Series Book 1 eBook Shalini Boland
While these stories are interesting the characters are horrible people. There's two stories running alternative chapters. One is a French family who are explorers and find demons that turned them into vampires. This is in 1881. The other story is a uneducated juvenile delinquent at 16 who learns she is now inherited a mansion and multiple millions of pounds. Maddie isn't likeable at all. Her friends are moochers and destroy her beautiful house with a party full of under aged kids and unlimited alcohol.If she appreciated the home and those who are taking care of it it would be a better read but she annoyed me. She digs through the cellar and finds skeletal remains ( doesn't call the police) and statues of vampires.
I won't be reading the next book because she is too annoying.

Tags : HIDDEN (Marchwood Vampire Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Shalini Boland. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading HIDDEN (Marchwood Vampire Series Book 1).,ebook,Shalini Boland,HIDDEN (Marchwood Vampire Series Book 1),Adrenalin Books,Fiction Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal
HIDDEN Marchwood Vampire Series Book 1 eBook Shalini Boland Reviews
Just when I think I'm over vampire books they SUCK ME BACK IN!
Basically what happened was I this I browsed some indie titles and - after reading the synopsis - just gave the woman my money.
I'm sorry - a girl inherits house with a basement full of "danger" sounded like such a simplistic/brilliant way to just get into the action without so much pomp and pretext! Seriously, sometimes the direct approach just works wonders on my wallet.
So HIDDEN is exactly what it says on the tin and - because of that basic hook and plot - gets to really invest in a) character development, b) establishing beautiful scenes, c) provide snappy humor, in and out of dialogue. Reading this reminded me that sometimes books get bogged down with world-building and mythos. While it's usually amazing when an author gets to explore the method to whatever madness their story is set in it also can get exhausting to absorb. That was why it was sort of refreshing that HIDDEN wasn't trying to be something other than just itself and it's all the more charming for that.
Madison is a protagonist for readers who appreciate a little brash and crass. She has "screw-up" practically stamped on her head but Shalini Boland gives her enough redeemable qualities and good intentions to make her relateable and vulnerable in various places.
All that held back a 5-star review was the random, unannounced shifts in POV between narrators. I'm sure authors intend for this to be a streaming flow of consciousness or seamless shift to other pertinent information but for me it's like walking down the sidewalk, catching my toe on a crack and desperately grabbing my barrings. Those shifts kept jarring me out of the story, which always gets irksome for me whenever I read.
Beyond that, HIDDEN is great for what it is - teen vampire romance. It is edgy without getting too trashy. It's romantic without being super sappy. It doesn't think it's funny or try to be - it just is. And - topping it all off - some of the descriptions and turns of phrase are so eloquent, vivid and/or clever it's a truly impressive show compared to the usual plain-talk and prose found in YA.
I highly recommend HIDDEN if you have a soft-spot for books like TWILIGHT or THE VAMPIRE DIARIES but appreciate less swooning and sassier protagonists.
I'm doing this a little backwards here. I am at chapter seventeen in book two. (Finished the first last night and quickly downloaded Thicker than Blood (Book 2). Which means every second I spend here is time I could be reading so let's make this quick, shall we? lol Being that I am this far I can say with absolute certainty that Shalini Boland hit her stride in book one and only gets better as she goes. She has that rare ability to really yank you in no matter the time/place/setting. I am feeling the chill as the characters ice skate on a blustery day and smelling the hot chocolate.
Hidden is one of those rare gems that changes your day, makes you impatient to get back to reading and that you want to simultaneously want to fly through, yet savor at the same time.
5 Cranky Stars
I initially bought this book because the cover and synopsis drew me in. I need a change in genre and this was the way to go.
Madison is a down on her luck foster child. Along with her brother Ben they bounce from place to place. Their current home isn't the absolute best with an alcoholic foster dad and a mother who works herself to the bone. Madison acts out at school which results in dire consequences. She is approached by a young man who has news to change her life. With a vast inheritence and a beautiful estate home she makes some grisly discoveries.
One minor act changes Alexandres life. He and his siblings are sent on an artifact finding mission with their family. They are basically exiled by the family he did wrong. In the vast deserts and caves of Turkey they embark on a journey. A journey that will have tragic consequences. You see Alexs story takes place in the 1800s. You see his life and how he became to be and how he adapts to the present.
This story is a melding of past and present and a converging of futures. How Madison and Alexandra came to be and their connection. I think this story was blended well. I'm usually not a fan of stories that take place way back in time but in this case it kept me very very interested till the very last page. I loved how Madison grew into a more responsible adult even though she was 17. She had her brother to take care of who by the way was a very funny caring kid. The only problem I think some might have is the fact that this book is the dialogue. It is written in the British form with their sayings and such. It truly didn't distract from the story though you just kind of adapted to the sayings and the way of speaking. It's a good YA vampire story from beginning to end. I can't wait to pick up book two to see where this ragtag family ends up.
While these stories are interesting the characters are horrible people. There's two stories running alternative chapters. One is a French family who are explorers and find demons that turned them into vampires. This is in 1881. The other story is a uneducated juvenile delinquent at 16 who learns she is now inherited a mansion and multiple millions of pounds. Maddie isn't likeable at all. Her friends are moochers and destroy her beautiful house with a party full of under aged kids and unlimited alcohol.
If she appreciated the home and those who are taking care of it it would be a better read but she annoyed me. She digs through the cellar and finds skeletal remains ( doesn't call the police) and statues of vampires.
I won't be reading the next book because she is too annoying.

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